Photos are available in the DATE 2024 Gallery.

The time zone for all times mentioned at the DATE website is CET – Central Europe Time (UTC+1). AoE = Anywhere on Earth.


DATE Workshops initiative started in 2003 fostering a number of workshops on different topics and attracting an audience of both researchers and designers.

The event offers a unique opportunity to present and discuss new and in-progress outcomes, as well as experiences and visions. The topics have been changing during the years, following the trend on current and emerging issues in design, test, software and EDA.

Workshop attendees are kindly asked to indicate their workshop of interest during their online registration for the conference. Please note that for DATE 2024, the Workshops will be integrated into the 3-day schedule of DATE 2024 and will replace the "Friday Workshops” from previous editions, and will have a half-day duration. You can visit the DATE 2024 programme to see the schedule for the workshops, and for the detailed version of each workshop programme, please visit the workshop webpages below.

All times give in the programme refer to the time zone CET.

For more information, please contact:

Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CYVice Programme Chair and Workshops Chair
Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY
Start Title
Mon, 14:00 W03 Workshop on Nano Security: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems
Mon, 14:00 W04 4th Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation (OSDA 2024)
Tue, 08:30 W02 3D Integration: Heterogeneous 3D Architectures and Sensors
Tue, 14:00 W01 Eco-ES: Eco-design and circular economy of Electronic Systems
Tue, 14:00 W08 Autonomous Systems Certification and Homologation
Wed, 08:30 W07 Enabling rapid and sustainable RISC-V based research using open source HW and SW
Wed, 14:00 W05 Unlocking Tomorrow's Technology: Hyperdimensional Computing and Vector Symbolic Architectures for Automation and Design in Technology and Systems
Wed, 14:00 W06 Tips and Tricks for a Successful Multi-Project-Wafer (MPW) Chip